Schulich School of Business @ York University
Toronto, Canada
June 2014
Dean's Honor List for final year
Student Advisory Council - selected as part of a 12 member council for the Dean's strategic planning
Case Competition Team
Notable Projects
Consulted $100M water-bottling firm for 8-month engagement on strategy and value creation
Analyzed company data dumps to understand business operations and objectives
Prepared 325-page report for client which focused on revenue diversification and revenue growth
Noted as "one of the best presentations & defences of a final consulting project" by lead advisor
Presented triple-bottom-line project on Victoria's Secret and the use of paper products in their operations - mitigating black swan events and corporate earthquakes
Essec Business School
Paris, France
June 2014
Specialized in International Luxury Brand Management
Developed "micro-retail" concept that connected hotels and brick-and-mortar retailers by immersing guests in digital shopping experiences that blurred the lines between digital and physical
Worked with international teammates from over 12 countries
Case Competitions
hult prize 2013 san francisco regional finals - Team lead
San Francisco, USA
January 2013 - March 2013
Finalist for regional finals against 50 teams including Stanford, MIT, Chicago Booth, UCLA, UC Berkeley
Created "Hubble", a social enterprise aimed at simplifying the food system in developing nations
Estimated 600+ hours of work on top of the full-time MBA program
Worked mornings, late evenings, after-class, during class, and weekends - was the last person on campus many nights
Pulled a rotten banana out of my pocket in front of 400 person audience
HULT PRIZE global online event - TEAM LEAD
March 2013 - June 2013
Top 10 finalist with highest vote count for pitch video - 5000+ votes for Hubble - beat thousands of applications
Responsible for leading team during global online video competition
Produced and directed video
Developed business report within 48 hours
Toronto, Canada
May 2013
Partnered with teammates from other business schools for week-long live case
Sole Schulich representative for the entire competition
Hult Prize Dubai Regional Finals 2014 - Team Lead
Dubai, UAE
December 2013 - March 2014
Created "Fempower" concept to a panel of leaders of the UAE, most notably one of the rulers of Abu Dhabi, in order to solve non-communicable diseases for 25 million people in urban slums
Revamped entire concept 17 hours before presentation
Managed 4 team members remotely while in Paris - this was a huge challenge
Fempower concept proved to be valid as founder of 5 Hour Energy developed "Free Electric" consisting of a very similar product a year after
Healthcare case based on non-communicable diseases
Ted Rogers School of Management @ Ryerson University
Toronto, Canada
June 2009
Specialized in Entrepreneurship & Innovation with a minor in Finance
Program Manager & Project Manager for work-study program where I managed $60,000 budget and 8 students
Managed project to uncover commercializable businesses opportunities throughout the university
Notable projects:
Created concept for contact lenses that doubled as immersive screens - before Google Glass came around. Professor said it was not feasible in this lifetime...
Presented "active clothing" concept which allowed people to continuously stress muscles with everyday apparel
Presented paper on the cognitive parallels between entrepreneurship & dating (courtship). Professor ripped it apart and was not impressed by my conclusions. The class touted it as the most intriguing and exciting presentation...
Published "Entrepreneurial Resource Handbook" - a guide to entrepreneurial content that was used as part of school curriculum