Big Brothers Big Sisters - Big Brother & Mentor
Brampton, CANADA
January 2011 - PRESENT
- 5 Year Award for continuous mentorship
- Successfully matched with 2 teen boys - one match graduated from the program
Habitat for Humanity - Global Village - Team Leader
El Salvador
October 2009 - PRESENT
- Youngest person to lead team in GV Canada history
- Led team of 12 volunteers to El Salvador - cited as one of the world's most dangerous countries
- 8+ months of preparation and planning
- Managed $25,000 budget, organized the entire campaign, recruited the team, coordinated logistics in country
- Faced many crises including medical, psychological, social, and physical
- Responsible for the safety and well-being of team and stakeholders in country
Mississauga, Canada
Jan 2015 - August 2016
- Startup Reactor is a monthly grass-roots meetup group that brings entrepreneurs, innovators, and business experts together to create a trustworthy environment to share ideas, crowdsource feedback, and solve pressing issues
- Continue to advise several startups in business strategy and planning
Startup Advisor
- Serve as an advisor to a handful of early-stage startups in food, real estate, and health
Schulich Alumni Ambassador
Toronto, CANADA
- Invited to partake in ambassador program to strengthen and build the Schulich alumni brand, program, and strategy going forward
Volunteer Years of Service