My passions and interests are very diverse, which allows me to find linkages and parallels between different areas of life and business. I'm passionate about...

Social enterprise

I'm not a big fan of tacking on the term "social" to enterprise. Enterprise should inherently exist to serve the betterment of humankind. Whether it's providing employment, addressing a need, or providing entertainment, business and social impact are more than distant entities; they are intimately woven processes. I'm very excited to partake in a rapidly changing world where leaders and entrepreneurs are addressing under-served and emerging markets. I plan on building ventures and ideas that accomplish this objective. 


My deep passion for technology causes me to constantly brainstorm futuristic ideas and solutions to combat and address pressing challenges. Currently I'm fascinated with user-centric solutions, machine learning, data science, bots, augmented reality, and how it all relates to helping companies source, identify, match, and understand their people + customers in order to create amazing experiences. 


Very passionate about poverty alleviation. My ultimate goal is to create a venture that focuses on food security and housing utilizing the depth of knowledge regarding I gained while creating Hubble. The African continent is of particular interest as it has a very large, underserved need for creative solutions and will be the launchpad for many ideas to leapfrog current solutions. 



I've been fortunate to have visited 29 countries on five continents. Through travelling, I've experienced some of the best and witnessed some of the most terrifying realities of this fragile thing we call "life". My travels have allowed me to empathize and grapple with the realities that people face everyday. My encounters and observations have enabled me to address and solve issues from various angles and to understand that resourcefulness and creativity are forms of currency accepted worldwide.


Hot Yoga & Exercise

Hot yoga enthusiast. Struggling spinner. Beginner golfer.
